Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Bonsai Show - Yew Dell Gardens

by Earl Ekman 

Our spring show will be held at Yew Dell gardens in Crestwood on April 26th and 27th. The show hours will be 10 to 5 each day. Our show will be held in conjunction with their annual plant sale. They invite many nurseries and garden supply companies to attend and sell their products. In addition to plants and trees, they sell pottery, tools, books, and many related items. You will find many unusual and interesting items and at a good price. GLBS will be selling bonsai trees and plants. If you want to bring personal trees to sell, we encourage it. There will be a 15% commission charged by the club.

Obviously we’ll need lots of help both Saturday and Sunday. The bonsai show will be held in the Gheen’s Bank Barn and it is twice the size of the castle. The club will need approximately 65 trees, so plan on bringing twice as many trees as you brought last year. If you have stands and accent plants, please bring them. We will have name and description tags for all trees, so please call George (228-8545) with this information. Your trees can only be delivered between 10AM – 5 PM Thursday and Friday or between 8 – 10 AM Saturday morning. In the past, we were able to deliver trees Friday evening, but Yew Dell will not allow this. They will close at 5 PM.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to become aware of the Louisville Bonsai Club. We will be selling memberships and beginner workshops, and of course we will have a raffle tree. There will be a lot going on and we should have a lot of fun.

Best regards, Earl

Yew Dell Gardens – Crestwood, KY (502) 241-4788


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