Saturday, April 5, 2008

ABS BCI 2011 Conference Planning

by John Callaway

In June 2011 the Greater Louisville Bonsai Society will be hosting a joint American Bonsai Society (ABS) and Bonsai Clubs International (BCI) Learning Seminar and Conference.  Plans are currently underway.  We’ve started off well, but there’s still plenty of work left to be done.

One of the things outstanding is to name the conference.  The ABS Learning Seminar in 2007 was dubbed “Bonsai on the Beach” as it was held in Virginia Beach, literally on the beach.  We have decided to hold a contest for the Greater Louisville Bonsai Society to suggest a name.  Please have entries submitted to me in email or phone by Tuesday, April 8th.  Voting will be held at the upcoming planning meeting.

There is a planning meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 9th, at Earl Cormney’s house from 7pm – 8pm.  Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 8th, for directions.  I hope that everyone interested in leading a committee or joining a committee will attend.  If you are not able to attend but would like to join or lead a committee or share ideas, please let me know.

The proposed agenda for the meeting is:

  • Vote on a name for the conference

  • Nominate and name committee chairpersons

  • Develop a list of vendors to submit for approval

  • Develop a list of instructors to submit for approval

  • Develop a list of donors to submit for approval

Below you will find a proposed list of committees. If you have any experience with a specific field or any interest in helping with a particular group, please let us know.  Proposed committees include:

  • Publicity/Advertising

  • Registration/Hospitality

  • Auction/Raffle

  • Exhibit

  • Instructors/Vendors


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